Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome 2014 - Here's to the New Year

   I suppose it is a little late to say Happy New Year considering I am writing this on the 11th . . . But screw it Happy New Year Everyone. This year I have decided to get serious about my life as an artist. This blog being one of the many steps I am trying to accomplish. Things are different in today's world. You have to be connected and frankly. . . I'm not.
   Last year I began painting like I have never painted before in my life. It seems to have opened a door for me and this year I am going to stop being nervous or scared of where that door goes.
 Heck I am going to be painting anyways so I might as well right?
   So... Since this is my first blog I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kimberly Plympton. I am currently 21 years old and married to the best husband in the world. I share my life with him and our dog, Bear. We are all characters in our own way.

 So yeah, that's me . . .
   Now, about my art . . . I am a painter as I was saying earlier, but try to be a well rounded artist. If you check out my facebook page Plympton Creations, you can check out my paintings, drawings, and photography. When I paint I only use the primary colors. I don't really have a reason other than I like them and if I need a different color I can just mix it myself. I let the paint do what it wants to do and I try to find the creation within. In other words . . .
I like to make a mess.
   I am looking forward to what 2014 has in store. I am trying to be positive. I started an Etsy Store a few months back and hopefully that will get better as I learn how to work my way around the whole social media thing. In attempts to help my new years resolution I am also becoming more active with instagram. You can follow me kplymp730.
   So . . . Here is to the New Year
(1st painting of the year)

(Second painting of the year)

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