Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Go out and Appreciate Someone!

    I know it is not Thanksgiving, but I want to talk about being thankful and letting others know that they are appreciated. I was going to try and keep this blog about my art, but I like to let my art do the talking. It can speak for itself, I on the other hand need to work on my voice. This being one topic that drives me nuts. Why? Because people don't appreciate anything anymore and I think it is sad. There is so much to be thankful for, even if it is just that you are still breathing.

Who decided it was okay not to say thank you?
    I mean really? Did the word get lost or has someone locked it away? I try everyday to let my husband know how much he means to me. I try to say thank you to just about everything because I am thankful for the things he does. Better yeah rather than saying thank you sometimes I will tell him, " I appreciate you. " I highly recommend using this sentence. It is nice to say and feels amazing to hear. Children today (for the most part) go crazy till they get what they want. They will cry, kick, scream, and well, just about anything to get what they want. They think things should just be handed to them and if it breaks oh well, another one will fall out of the sky.
    I cannot make you do anything, but know this, the more you appreciate something, the better things will be. Think of it like the saying 'treat others the way you would like to be treated'. Sounds silly, but how far off is it? Lets take an everyday item that most people have nowadays, like a cellphone. I know I have one and everyone in my family has one. If you appreciate it, you will be sure to take care of it and the less likely it is to get broken. More than likely your friends will see how well you take care of it and if they ever needed it, they would be sure to be careful with it. If you treat it like it is something that could just appear out of no where for no reason then don't be surprised if the return your phone broken and telling you 'looks like you have to buy a new one'
    Now I know some of you are probably like, it's just a cellphone. But it was just an example that I am sure everyone could put into perspective. Now people, it is the same thing. The more you appreciate someone the more likely they will be thankful to have you. You will receive what you give. It is one of the first lessons of respect. I remember one time before Richard and I got married, we lived in a small 1 bedroom apartment and there were times that I would just stress myself out. It could be school, work, or bills . . . sometimes all the above. I went to work that day and came back to a spotless home. I asked why he did so much that I would have been more than willing to help him clean everything and to my surprise he said, "Well you have been stressing out and I figured this would help you out." It did. I felt loved and appreciated. He busted his butt all day to make me smile.
Have you told anyone lately that you are glad they are a part of your life?
    I hope the answer is yes, but if no, it is okay. We are all human and forget. It is the attempt to get better that makes the difference. Make a list of things you are thankful for and don't hide it away till thanksgiving, only to go crazy on black Friday. Keep it out and share it with everyone. If you are thankful to have someone in your life let them know. Try out my phrase "I appreciate you." Watch the smile on their face, and feel the joy it brings you. I challenge you to find ten or more people you feel you should say this to and go say it to them. I would love to hear their responses so please comment below!

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